February 20, 2011

Hittin' up the Highlands

We spent a day touring the highlands and the scenery was absolutely stunning. It doesn't take long to get out of Glasgow and enter the countryside. Our first stop was Loch Lomond. I can only describe the landscape of the Loch as dramatic - the sun was still rising, the sky was absolutely clear, and snow-capped mountains towered all around us.

View of Loch Lomond

Pipes bringing water down from a mountain Loch near Loch Lomond
From Loch Lomond, we continued through more mountains. Obviously, the term "highlands" suggests some mountains, but we were blown away by how many there were. But apart from the mountains, we also passed a bed & breakfast run by actor Ewan McGregor's parents and an area where the Harry Potter film Prisoner of Azkaban was shot. (Almost everywhere I have visited in the UK has some kind of claim to the Harry Potter franchise.)

Of course, we also stopped at Loch Ness. We had a quick look at the ruins of a castle on the banks of the Loch, and then had a cup of tea with Nessie. After that it was a quick drive through Inverness, the capital of the Highlands, and a short stop in the Victorian resort town Pitlochry. 

Ruins of Urquhart Castle and Loch Ness
Throughout the highlands we saw lots of sheep and a fair number of highland cattle. I didn't manage to get a photo of any of them, but I highly recommend giving them a google. As Kelsey wisely pointed out, the cattle have the same haircut as Justin Bieber.

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